Children don't vote, but their parents, grandparents, future parents, and aunts and uncles do. That is just about everyone. Voters and candidates care deeply about children and recognize that government has no greater responsibility than ensuring all children -- whatever their gender, race, family home, zip code, or innate abilities -- can grow, learn, develop, and realize their dreams.
The pages on this website are based upon the vision that government must support all families in their most important role -- raising their children to live and succeed in the diverse world we live in today. It is based upon the belief that focusing upon children and the nurturing and care they need can better unite and not further divide us – and support the role of our government and democracy in doing so.
Every election affects how public policies support children and families, but the 2024 election is truly special. Although not necessarily reported as such in the press or as part of candidates’ stump speeches and campaign position statements, the CARE AGENDA now is on the table and represents the foundation for a needed federal child agenda. The agenda includes: (1) expanding the child tax credit, (2) establishing paid family leave, (3) making child care and preschool affordable and available, and (4) providing home and community-based services so those with special needs can live in dignity as part of their communities.
Below, VoteKids2024 briefly describes four central facts about the care agenda, our children, and what child advocates can do to realize that agenda. The webpages for each of these facts provide much more information about them, including tools for talking about and advocating for that agenda. VotesKids2024 launched its efforts with an August webinar, and the slides from that webinar offer a basis for this website and our work. The basic narrative offers a framework for sharing the agenda with others and Securing America's Future is a set of questions to ask candidates about the agenda.
Although it is not yet called such, there now is a federal care agenda that represents th major elements of a comprehensive federal child agenda. This election will determine whether there is a working majority for children in Congress to enact it and a President to sign it and lead its implementation.
Families have the right and responsibility to raise their children in the faith and values they hold, and children have the right to learn and develop and establish their unique identity and realize their dreams. Families are not a monolith and government must support all families as they love and raise their children in their most important role as their child's first teacher, nurse, safety officer, and role model (as well as chauffer, coach, disciplinarian, and chef!).
When presented based upon common goals and values, the pro-child and family care agenda resonates with a large segment of the voting public and particularly those who are influencers in their communities and persuadables in the upcoming election. It is an agenda that brings people together who may now be frustrated with negative campaigning and experiencing voter fatigue, and yet wanting positive reasons to vote.
We all have important roles to play. We can vote -- and use our vote specifically to elect candidates who support that pro-child and family agenda. We can speak to our friends, co-workers, and neighbors about this agenda and its importance. And we can give, of our time and through contributions, to advance this agenda as a core part of the 2024 election.
Well, most of us who initiated VoteKids2024 are elders and not kids, but being with children (particularly our grandchildren) always makes us more young at heart.
We are a group of people who have had largely respected, well-renumerated, professional careers in the child and family policy world -- as advocates, administrators, researchers
Well, most of us who initiated VoteKids2024 are elders and not kids, but being with children (particularly our grandchildren) always makes us more young at heart.
We are a group of people who have had largely respected, well-renumerated, professional careers in the child and family policy world -- as advocates, administrators, researchers, consultants, and advisors to nonprofit organizations and philanthropies. The largest share of us are retired (or serving as freelance child policy agitators).
While our careers were fulfilling, we also recognize we did not establish all the child and family polices children and our country need to prosper. We also believe this election provides the opportunity to dramatically advance that agenda and also to bring us closer together and rectify so many of the racial and other inequities that will enable our children today to live create a post racist-society.
We have banded together to elevate children’s issues in prior campaigns (20/20 Vision for Children in 2020, and VoteKIds2022 in 2022) – and we are doing so again in 2024 – with NEW HOPE but even a greater sense of urgency.
We are not incorporated and do everything through volunteer efforts and contributions – but we strongly encourage others to join this pro-child and family care agenda movement – and to give to those who are working in both 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 capacities to engage, educate, and energize those to make it happen. Charles Bruner is the curator of the website and can reached by email at bruner@childequity.org
This website is the sole product of VoteKids2024 and is not affiliated with any organization.
At the same time, we have many long-standing friends in the overall child policy advocacy world (Partnership for America’s Children and its members, First Focus, Children’s Defense Fund, Council for a Strong America, Save the Children, Kids Impac
This website is the sole product of VoteKids2024 and is not affiliated with any organization.
At the same time, we have many long-standing friends in the overall child policy advocacy world (Partnership for America’s Children and its members, First Focus, Children’s Defense Fund, Council for a Strong America, Save the Children, Kids Impact, etc.) and many friends in philanthropy, professional organizations serving children, research and policy organizations and think tanks. They all deserve more support for what they do and particularly in being voices for children at families at the state and federal levels – where they have the passion, savvy, and energy to make change but whose bandwith is much more limited than it should be.
We also have found new friends in the world of relational organizing and movement building with constituencies on the frontline seeking a better life for their children and families – often much younger than us and recognizing the power of relational organizing and the use of technology to do so.
If the care agenda is to be recognized beyond those in the halls of Congress and state capitols, it must be part of community dialogues and social discourse. Several organizations, in particular, have taken a lead in advocating for the elements in the care agenda with specific constituencies that are both influencers in their communities and with strong ties to the most persuadable constituencies. Caring Across Generations and its Care Can’t Wait Coalition are involved in grassroots and social media campaigning for most aspects of the care agenda, with a particular focus upon those now in caregiving occupations. MomsRising Together is a virtual network of over one million activists across the nation engaging, educating, and energizing others around issues identified by those leaders and including all aspects of the caregiving agenda. Parents Together has a network of over three million parents it is reaching to inform and educate them around the care agenda. Family Values at Work supports organizations in multiple states advancing paid family and medical need and other care interests through organizing and mobilizing. All not only are active in relational campaign efforts that activate grassroots leaders and influencers but that also reach many of the most persuadable voters around agendas that most affect them.
Included in the resources section are Care Can’t Wait’s Care Voter Guide and Parents Together’s Persuadable Parents: Moving a Key Voting Block in 2024, a slidedeck from a webinar on its polling of parents as persuadable voters.
At the federal level, upwards of $20 billion will be raised and spent to elect candidates and parties – the majority on media and consultants focused upon sound bite ads, often directed to frightening voters around their choices. This results in election fatigue among voters, at best, and reinforcing a cynicism that government and politic
At the federal level, upwards of $20 billion will be raised and spent to elect candidates and parties – the majority on media and consultants focused upon sound bite ads, often directed to frightening voters around their choices. This results in election fatigue among voters, at best, and reinforcing a cynicism that government and politicians are about themselves and not us, at worst.
We believe voters want more and are wiser and better than what elections now provide them.
Changing the direction of our politics requires a different electoral dialogue – with more engagement with those who may now be voting differently than us but have common underlying goals. In the political consulting world, this is sometimes called “micro-targeting” and “relational campaigning,” but it remains underfunded and seldom truly conducted at the kitchen-table, front door, or town hall level.
From a 501(c)4 platform, we believe it can be advanced by supporting the 501(c)4 arms around the care agenda (or pro-child and family care agenda) being done by Care Can't Wait, Moms Rising Togerther, and Parents Together Action, and hopefully others.
As elders in the child and family policy and advocacy community, many of us are in the position to contribute volunteer time and make monetary ample donations to make this happen, and we ask you to join us at a level that responds to your current economic position in society.
Stay tuned our ways to make it easy to contribute to such efforts!
The Care Voters Guide is a product of Care Cant Wait. The Persuadable Parents document is a report of public opinon polling from Parents Togther. The Care and the 2024 Elections FAQs is from VoteKids2024.